7 Easy IBS Recipes for Healthy School Lunches
Ahh back-to-school season! Everyone’s favorite time of the year (and by everyone, we mean parents). From the sleepy-eyed glares of your little ones as you drag them out of bed in the morning, to the heavy traffic on the highway in a rush to get to school before the bell, it’s a stressful time for everyone involved.
Worst of all? Those dreaded school lunches! Moms and dads are all too familiar with this scenario: you take time out of your precious evening to carefully select, prepare, and pack a healthy, balanced school lunch for your kids, only to have 90% of the meal picked apart and returned with just the carrot sticks missing from the brown bag.
Most parents would be upset, but for parents of kids with IBS, this could be a sign of a bigger problem. Aside from wondering if lunch will get eaten, you often think about what tummy troubles it may cause. There’s nothing more embarrassing for a child with IBS than having to reach for the hall pass 10 times throughout class due to something IBS-triggering in a school lunch.
For most kids, school can make stomachs turn, but for kids with IBS, it’s literal. For lunches that satisfy their picky palettes and give parents peace of mind, try these 7 easy IBS recipes pulled straight out of Fody Foods’ low FODMAP recipe cookbook:
1. Low FODMAP Chicken Caesar Salad Wraps
A big hit with adults and kids alike, chicken caesar wraps are a crowd-pleasing school lunch staple that’s made to satisfy. While most caesar salad dressings contain IBS-triggering ingredients like onions, garlic, and cheese, Fody’s version fits perfectly in to the IBS diet plan - not to mention we think it’s as good as the real thing!
For all the goodness of chicken caesar salad wrapped up in a convenient package, you’ll want to give this low FODMAP recipe a try.
2. Fody’s Turkey & Swiss Low FODMAP Sandwich with French Dressing
Especially on super hectic nights, sandwiches are an easy go-to for school lunches. Unfortunately, standard sandwiches can cause IBS between the buns. This elevated version of the classic turkey & Swiss combo, however, won’t send you running for the bathroom. Try this low FODMAP sandwich out tonight.
3. Fody’s Creamy Salsa Low FODMAP Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Another sandwich, you ask? Of course – can you ever really have too many? Plus, if you choose to forgo the bread, this one doubles as a salad. A little tangy, a little creamy, and packing a whole lot of protein - this low FODMAP recipe is a delicious treat.
4. Low FODMAP Burrito Bowl with Chickpeas
These burrito bowls are Insta-trendy and stomach-friendly. For picky eaters, try swapping out the spices for something your little one will like. Feel free to play with the recipe until it’s tailored to your kids’ needs - we’re just throwing the idea out there for an interesting school lunch that will be the envy of all the other kids.
See the full recipe here.
5. Low FODMAP Spaghetti and Meatballs
For the ultimate comfort food that won’t cause any stomach discomfort, try preparing and packing this delicious spaghetti and meatball dish for your children with IBS. This recipe takes just 15 minutes to make, and 20-seconds to end up all over a white shirt. For particularly messy kiddos, try using a shorter noodle like penne instead.
6. Low FODMAP Stir Fry with Chicken and Peppers
Packed with protein, vitamins, and delicious low FODMAP ingredients, this easy-to-make stir fry is bound to be an instant hit. The full recipe makes eight servings, meaning you can make this for dinner and save the leftovers for school, or you can stretch the recipe out for a whole week of school lunches for your kids.
7. Fody’s Low FODMAP Cinnamon Raisin Walnut Breakfast Cookies
Relying only on maple syrup and bananas as a source of sugar, these cookies are not only low FODMAP, but a healthy treat as well. Sure, they’re called breakfast cookies, but they’re super easy to pack, making them a sweet surprise in your little one’s lunch box.
Go on Supermom (or Superdad), get started on these recipes tonight and be sure to let us know if any of them were a hit with your kids!
For more amazing meals and snacks, check out Fody’s recipe section, or get the school lunch ingredients you need to get started on easy school lunches.