Enjoying A Gut-Friendly Holiday Dinner with Fody
The holidays are here, which means it’s time to relax, enjoy, and eat! If you have a sensitive stomach, you may be wondering how to enjoy a bloat-free holiday. Luckily, Fody is here with tips and recipes to help you enjoy a gut-friendly season.
‘Tis the Season for Fiber
Let’s skip the turkey for today–but if you want tips on preparing a bloat-free turkey, rewind to our healthy Thanksgiving Dinner ideas for all the details! Now imagine it’s the big night. Family and friends are gathered. The table is set. What else are you eating?
One of the overlooked – but essential – supporting characters of any good holiday feast is the vegetables. Not only is a colorful supporting cast of veggie side dishes an easy and delicious way to brighten up your holiday spread, it’s also a way to get one of the essential ingredients for gut health: fiber. When you’re preparing your Christmas dinner, don’t forget to pile on some veggies.
Choose Green Beans for Fiber and Flavor
These sesame-ginger green beans aren’t just packed with fiber, they’re also low-FODMAP and packed with flavor! Freshen up your color and taste palates with this easy, 15-minute side that will leave you–and your gut–wanting more!
Get Those Sweet Potatoes in Your Healthy Holiday Dinner!
Our tip for healthy carbs? Skip the bread rolls and reach for sweet potatoes instead. This addition to your holiday table doesn’t need to be complicated; these roasted sweet potatoes come together in minutes, and they’re as delicious as they are simple. They also provide a fun, zesty twist on a classic thanks to Fody’s taco seasoning. (Psst: going with bread rolls anyway? We don’t blame you! Opt for gluten-free if possible to stay ahead of bloating and discomfort.)
Check out our recipes section for more inspiration, and browse our products for gut-friendly ingredients you’ll use again and again!
No-Bloat Holidays Don’t End With the Feast
They’re also about visits, social time, relaxation and, yes, SNACKS. From tupperwares bursting with homemade goodies, to little dishes of nuts and jujubes, and mountains of precious foil-wrapped delicacies, it’s impossible to avoid temptation during the holidays. So what can you do to keep your gut in check?
Practice Moderation and Watch Your Sugar Intake
One more couldn’t hurt…
If you live with gut issues or a sensitive stomach, you know that this isn’t quite the case. Eating a low-FODMAP diet isn’t just about what you eat; it’s also about how much. When you can’t avoid temptation, be your gut’s best friend by practicing moderation, especially when it comes to sugary treats. If you’re able to check the ingredients, all the better; use this handy guide to artificial sweeteners and gut health, and your Monash University app to stay within the threshold to avoid gut repercussions.
Reach for Alternatives and BYOS!
Nuts have a long history as part of Christmas celebrations–luckily, they’re also an easy snack to bring and to choose. However, they do come with one caveat: cashews and pistachios (two of the most popular options to put out during the holidays!) are high-FODMAP, so avoid those in your efforts to have a healthy holiday.
If all else fails, BYOS–Bring Your Own Sweets! When you can’t control every aspect of the food you’ll be eating, bringing your own option gives you an out; it’s also sure to delight your host. From these luxurious chocolate-peppermint truffles to this dark chocolate raspberry crisp, making and eating gut-friendly sweets has never been easier–or more scrumptious! Check out our recipes to discover a world of gut-healthy possibilities.
Keep Tabs on Your Alcohol Consumption
It’s easy to indulge a little too much, or a little too frequently, during the holidays, and one of the most common pieces of advice for a gut-friendly holiday is to moderate your alcohol consumption! While certain alcohols are certainly worse for your gut than others, frequent consumption is detrimental to the overall health of your gut flora. To learn more about making gut-healthy choices around alcohol, check out this article, and remember: moderation in all things!
Gut-friendly indulging has never been easier! For more tips on no-bloat living, explore our blog, and visit our recipes to discover all the ways that you can make your holidays delicious without sacrificing your gut health. From all of us at Fody, happy and healthy holidays!